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In-Sight: Independent Interview-Based Journal 

(Updated January 31, 2024)

In-Sight: Independent Interview-Based Journal 

In-Sight: Independent Interview-Based Journal exists as the first international independent interview-based journal. Submissions remain international and interdisciplinary for interviews, articles, and others. Individual publications throughout the year: January 1 to May 1; May 1 to September 1; September 1 to January 1, and so on. Each publication on the 1, 8, 15, and 22 of the month. Tri-annual full issue publications on “Spring,” “Summer,” and “Winter”: January 1, May 1, and September 1, respectively.

General Philosophy

Where imperatives, utility, and virtues interrelate, and where accuracy/authenticity implicates honesty, credibility implicates integrity, fairness/balance implicates justice, and news judgment implicates prudence, honesty, integrity, justice, and prudence converge on the ethical utility in the moral imperative of truth. Truth necessitates honesty, integrity, justice, and prudence. Academic freedom permits the possibility of truth; academic freedom necessitates destitution of dogma or obfuscation. An ability to question anything, pursue implications, and express these implications in spite of harboured biases and fear of backlash. All without alteration or omission to discover knowledge. In-Sight: Independent Interview-Based Journal aims to attain academic freedom through its core interview format.

Advisory Board

Advisory board remains an associative, international, and voluntary collective of individuals invited to join the journal based on accomplishments, credentials, or unique attributes. A minimal commitment to provide feedback on In-Sight: Independent Interview-Based Journal and recommend potential interviewees. Interview views do not equate to positions of Advisory Board members at individual or collective levels.

Format, Overview

In-Sight: Independent Interview-Based Journal formatted by subjects or ideas per issue. Each issue divides into interviews (A), submissions (B), responses (C), group discussions (D), and educational series (E).

Sections A, B, C, D, and E

  • Issue titles imply format, e.g. “Issue 1, Subject: Psychology,” “Issue 2, Idea: Epistemology,” and so on. Interview, submission, response, and group discussion, sections segmented by issue content. Interviews specified by “A”; submissions specified by “B”; responses specified by “C”; group discussions specified by “D”; educational series specified by “E,” e.g. “Issue 1.A, Subject: Psychology,” “Issue 2.B, Idea: Arts,” “Issue 2.C, Idea: Denmark’s Mythology,” “Issue 3.D, Idea: Islamic Scripture in Context,” “Issue 4.E, Topic: Secular History,” and so on.

Subject Issues

  • Interview sections contain only experts from one discipline with emphasis on a subject, e.g. “Psychology,” and so on. Submission sections contain only experts from one discipline with emphasis on a subject, e.g. “Psychology,” and so on. Contribution exceptions permitted with sufficient reason sent to the Editor-in-Chief.

Idea Issues

  • Interview sections contain many experts from many disciplines with emphasis on an idea, e.g. Women in Academia, Outliers and Outsiders, and so on. Submission sections contain many experts from many disciplines with emphasis on an idea, e.g. Women in Academia, Outliers and Outsiders, and so on. Contribution exceptions permitted with sufficient reason sent to the Editor-in-Chief.


  • Individual publications throughout the year: January 1 to May 1; May 1 to September 1; September 1 to January 1, and so on. Each publication on the 1, 8, 15, and 22 of the month. Tri-annual full issues publications on “Spring,” “Summer,” and “Winter”: January 1, May 1, and September 1, respectively. Frequency dependent upon material quantity and completion dates. Multiple delayed completions will accelerate the publication rate until issue fulfillment.

Interview Guidelines (A)

An overview of the interview process for this section. 


  • Preliminary research required for interview solicitation. If interview consent obtained from interviewee, a typical, but not absolute, minimum of one day to four weeks for comprehensive research. This includes purchasing, acquiring, and processing articles, audio-visual material, books, interviews, social media material, and their respective synthesis to produce questions. Some thematic series of interviews may incorporate more standardized or generic first question sets based on consistency in the individual backgrounds and narratives to justify it. Each more standardized or generic first question set can vary with further feedback about it.


  • Interviewees either provide written or verbal consent based on an interview request. Written or verbal consent relate to the interviewee having the power to deny/accept the interview, and for final decision of publication as a single interview on the website or in the full issue publication with all other issue-interviews in PDF and on the website. It remains casual in consent. See Copyright for information on ownership of publications.


  • Interview form depends on interviewee preference: email with text in email, email via Microsoft Word or Open Office file, in person, phone call, question set, Zoom, Skype, Google Hangouts, have been utilized in the past. Most prefer question sets in email via Microsoft Word or Open Office. Most questions mix standardized and specialized formats. Standardized for consistency of journal format. Specialized for relevant-to-interview questions. All questions have design to elicit in-depth and full responses from interviewees.

Editing Stage One

  • Editing consists of the interviewee’s original interview with minimal editing to keep the intended meaning and message of the interviewees intact, even where certain answers may contain controversial or ‘politically incorrect’ statements, opinions, or information.

Editing Stage Two

  • Interviewer sends draft back to the interviewee to confirm the originally intended meaning and message seem sustained to the satisfaction of the interviewee. If the interviewee requires any further alterations, omissions, or edits, the interviewer repeats the cycle of edit to confirmation of accuracy of message and meaning to re-edit until the interviewee evaluates the final version of the interview as sufficiently accurate to their intended meaning and message. Any major editing consists of corrections to grammatical and/or spelling errors. This editing aims to optimize the correspondence between the interview and the interviewees intended message and meaning to the satisfaction of the interviewee.

Submission Guidelines (B)


  • Contributor status access restricted to undergraduate students, graduate students, instructors, professors, and experts. Each submission considered on appropriateness of grammar and style, comprehensiveness, coherence, and originality of content.


  • Depending on the issue, the accepted submissions consists of articles, book reviews, commentaries, poetry, prose, and art.


  • It must not have publication or pending publication elsewhere. For exceptions, sufficient reason should be sent to the Editor-in-Chief along with the material. For written scholarly material, it must be in 12-point font, Times New Roman, 12-point font, single-spaced, 6-point after spacing, and with APA or MLA formatting. Length of material ranges from 500 to 7,500 words. Material should be sent to the following:

Response Guidelines (C)

Responses to interviews (B) or essays (B) must have the following format:


  • Preferable for respondents to have experience or expertise in area relevant to interview or essay content.


  • Response material should relate to current or prior issue on specific points in one essay or article.


  • Responses must have the following format: APA format, Times New Roman, 12-point font, single-spaced, 6-point after spacing, citation of interviewee and each ‘Question-and-Answer’ section of response (maximum of 5), and reference list of relevant articles, books, prior interviews, watching of video material, reading of social media material in APA. Length of material should range from 500-1,000 words, exceptions will have consideration with appropriate reasons provided to the Editor-in-Chief. Material should be sent to the following:

Group Discussion Guidelines (D)

Individuals gathered together based on a theme to discuss particular ranges of issues or the specific theme.  Mostly accomplished through email group discussions with a minimum of 3 people with the “3 people” inclusive of the moderator or interviewer. Individuals can recommend group discussion topics or will be invited. In either case, the separate section becomes a new advancement to fractionate the content of In-Sight: Independent Interview-Based Journal into more distinct units.

Educational Series Guidelines (E)

A specified topic proposed and mutually agreed to pursue for an extended duration with a relevant subject matter expert. These develop in a manner of increasing complexity over time from introductory, intermediate, to advanced content, or in terms of a historical developmental timeline of the topic. 

Research Ethics

In-Sight: Independent Interview-Based Journal does not answer a research question. Interviews hold control over final published responses for as accurate a representation as possible of an interviewee as possible. Hence, zero mandatory ethics board consent necessitated by its operation. Monetary detachment removes constraint by an institution or individual for published content, despite academic positions or alma maters for the Editor-in-Chief and Advisory Board. Please see Internal and External Funding for monetary information.

Internal and External Funding

Scott Douglas Jacobsen provides complete internal funding In-Sight: Independent Interview-Based Journal. All internal funding includes purchasing of articles, books, chapters, prior interviews, video material, and advertising and marketing efforts of In-Sight: Independent Interview-Based Journal. In the case of external monetary funding, only monetary funding not restricting academic freedom for In-Sight: Independent Interview-Based Journal will have consideration. At this time, In-Sight: Independent Interview-Based Journal operates with internal funding from Scott Douglas Jacobsen. A small web renewal donation from Rick Rosner before.


Attachments means constraints or restraints through functioning out of institutions or groups. For instance, an institution or group would consist of a university, an agency, a think-tank, and/or an interest group of some form. In-Sight: Independent Interview-Based Journal functions autonomous from any institution or group. This provides total freedom of content for consistency with principles of operation for academic freedom.

Advertising Policy

All advertising for the journal exists as open-access for any individual. See “Open Access” for more information.

Open Access

In-Sight: Independent Interview-Based Journal exists as open access for online contents, where any content In-Sight: Independent Interview-Based Journal becomes accessible for reading or downloading to any interested individual/group.

License and Copyright


In-Sight Publishing and In-Sight: Independent Interview-Based Journal by Scott Douglas Jacobsen is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License.
Based on a work at


© Scott Douglas Jacobsen and In-Sight Publishing 2012-2021. Unauthorized use and/or duplication of this material without express and written permission from this site’s author and/or owner is strictly prohibited. Excerpts and links may be used, provided that full and clear credit is given to Scott Douglas Jacobsen, and In-Sight Publishing and In-Sight: Independent Interview-Based Journal with appropriate and specific direction to the original content. All interviewees and authors co-copyright their material and may disseminate for their independent purposes.


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